4 Player Split Screen on Black Ops 1 Zombies Ps3
how to play two players on blck ops for wii
how do you play two players on call of duty black ops
Posted: dec 14, 2010 5:18 pm
If you mean Split-Screen
Then... You can't.
Only Single Player, and Online Multiplayer.
console BS
ps3 gets split screen...why not the wii version?
Posted: dec 22, 2010 5:34 pmUnregistered
Posted: dec 22, 2010 7:02 pmUnregistered
answer: ps3 gets splitscreen...why not the wii version
if the wii had splitscreen the graphics would *** bad, and it would lag alot, the wii is
not powerful enough to support it.
shoot scoot
My son got the game for Christmas for the wii and we want to play together...any way that
we can?
get another wii another bkack ops play online with eachother
get another wii another bkack ops play online with eachother
Posted: dec 27, 2010 5:29 pmwtflolnoob
its gotta do with the pointer thingys
aside from the fact that it would, in fact, lag, as stated up their ^^^, you also have to
put into consideration how you would get the two pointers to work on one tv, for two
seperate players, in the same map. it would be an extroardinary feat of programming to
acheave split screen call of duty.
True, it would be a feat to get two pointers on the same map, but this feat was Achieved
with Goldeneye. If you want a game that both you and your son can play try Goldeneye it
has split screen ability.
lady caca
Goldeneye is preety sik. Controls r hard to get use to but wit time amd effort.........as
for.two player cod I played with my pops innwaw in campaign, not a split screen.
how come we can't play two player on wii?
how come we can't play two player on wii?
Posted: feb 16, 2011 10:58 pmUnregistered
That's horrible that u cant
That's horrible that u cant
Posted: jun 12, 2011 10:09 pmUnregistered
*** me and my bro were going to buy it and play coop
*** me and my bro were going to buy it and play coop
Posted: jun 12, 2011 10:10 pmUnregistered
Metroid Prime Trilogy has multiplayer splitscreen
Metroid Prime Trilogy has multiplayer splitscreen
Posted: jun 19, 2011 6:39 pmUnregistered
it stinks
Posted: jun 29, 2011 8:19 amUnregistered
you can play zombie co-ops i think.
you can play zombie co-ops i think.
Posted: aug 17, 2011 11:21 amUnregistered
u cant
u cant play zombies co-op dumb-4$$
Posted: sep 19, 2011 8:10 pmUnregistered
one way
there is only one way you should be rich for this get 2 wiis and u can play together with
full screen oh yeah and another tv
i cant play multiplayer on black ops fo wii
i cant play multiplayer on black ops fo wii
Posted: nov 04, 2011 5:40 pmUnregistered
cod 4 wii sucks get a ps3
Nintendo has failed with cod 4 years just get a ps3 or ps2
Posted: dec 31, 2011 12:30 pmUnregistered
Black ops wii
It's a shame you can't play split screen. I have a wii but when a friend comes over i
can't play split screen. All i do is talk on my cell while i'm playing with other people
some i don't know. Mainly because my cousins who have black ops and love to play it have a
ps3. I want one but i don't think i'm aloud so.
Black ops wii
It's a shame you can't play split screen. I have a wii but when a friend comes over i
can't play split screen. All i do is talk on my cell while i'm playing with other people
some i don't know. Mainly because my cousins who have black ops and love to play it have a
ps3. I want one but i don't think i'm aloud so.
they should but split screen
The people who made black ops on wii should at least but last kill or split screen... Or
they can put split screen and last kill on black ops... Not fair cuz my friend wants to
play... But he cant cuz theres no split screen... I hate wen theres no split screen or
last kill
*** you cant do co op
What piece of junk i buy *** that why i don,t play it anymore
Posted: jul 07, 2012 6:20 pmUnregistered
Hello how are all of u?
Hey i just bought call of duty black ops for wii
And it was awesome!
Norway rocks!!! 1
Really guys cum on
You guys are retarded do you even play wii? If you playboy you will know that in one of
their games there's four guns and you shoot stuff it wouldn't be hard to make what you say
you need cuz it's alreay made
u can
Just go on multiplayer and put another controller in
Posted: sep 29, 2012 3:25 pmUnregistered
u cant play
Stop lying *** have u even got it u *** u have to play it on x box ps3 ps2 next time
donnt act too clever
u can do split
Some peopel hack or supting so u have to get that thing and get a sd card or supting
Posted: dec 15, 2012 8:29 pmUnregistered
SHUT UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
To bad i was going to get it for christmas but know i dont know cuz u make it sound gey.
P. S. If you say something *** il f## kick your a$$ punka$$ed b##
U cant play black ops together on the wii u should just get a ps3 and sell wii everyones
else idea is bad i think geting a ps3 on black friday would be smart one for next year
rilly rlly easy
I got black ops to work on wii lol to easy you dont have to get a ps3 or x box 360
Posted: jan 26, 2013 2:04 pmHow can we play 2 player?plese tell me beacause my friend want to play multiplay...
How can we play 2 player?plese tell me beacause my friend want to play multiplayer whith
me plese plese =)
Lol .. I played zombies and i survied 6 round and 40 headshoots and 80 kills onli i assits
Posted: feb 08, 2013 8:06 pmUnregistered
Lol .. I played zombies and i survied 6 round and 40 headshoots and 80 kills onli 1
It's awesome i love and play all the time, not! I really want the game for my birthday
next year! It looks amazing
Waste of money
I wanted to play with by brothers and we got all exited then i see this
Posted: may 26, 2013 9:26 amUnregistered
I cannot believe that you r not allowed to have split screen on black ops so i am now of
to get xbox
It *** there is no split screen cub i got wii and black ops and two wii remote to play
with my friend but i can't so that sucks
It's *** it don't have split screen they should have put it so we can play two player
Posted: feb 13, 2014 5:10 pmUnregistered
I have ps3 and wii and i got black ops for both and ps3 have two player but wii don't have
two player what's up with that
How do you play two player me and my brother won't to
Posted: jan 01, 2015 4:03 pmUnregistered
You can't
I just went to buy a cod game and there was black ops. At the back top right corner, it
says one player so my brother cant play with me. So instead we bought cod waw instead, it
has co-op.
Kinda sucks.
Are smart enuf to look at the features on the game?
Be carefull b4 u give ur money away for something that u dont want
Posted: apr 11, 2016 3:11 am4 Player Split Screen on Black Ops 1 Zombies Ps3
Source: http://www.cheatsguru.com/wii/call_of_duty_black_ops/questions/2166772/
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