How Early Do Ppl Do a Baby Shower
Sarah Palin is the reason compasses point North.
Sunday - January 16, 2022
Once Again, The One And Only Post
January 16, 2022
No time for blogging this morning. I've got to get cleaned up and go bowling. Our Wednesday night team from Old Guys League is doing our post-bowling, because we were made to isolate the week after Christmas because my spousal unit tested Covid positive Christmas Eve. And then I got sick with it, so I missed a couple weeks of league. So even though we had bowled Wednesday, and she didn't get sick until Thursday, and tested positive on Friday, they told our team not to bowl the following Wednesday. An "abundance of caution"; we all know that drill by now.
So I'm well enough at this point, so it's time to hit the shower and get up there. And then later I'll have to do my usual Sunday cleaning, and somewhere in there I need to get to the grocery store, and get some dishes and housework done. And then we can sit back and "enjoy" the no-good giant storm that might hit us later. Or not. It's supposed to hit late this afternoon, and she has to work tonight. Forecast is for about 3" to accumulate before switching over to rain around 10pm. So a wet and sloppy night. Too much fun.
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i haven't picked up a ball in a month. Last time I bowled was the Friday a week before Christmas Eve. 12/17?
So we went to Cheap League. Half the league was absent. Very quiet. We played X's team. He's very good, and the two young relatives of his on the team are pretty good too. So my team got 68 pins handicap, and away we went. We all bowled over average the first game, but Big X (the young woman on his team is Little X; they both have almost identical names) laid down a 268. i wasn't going to lie down for that, and managed a 224, and the wifely pulled a 210. So we won Game 1 by 15. Nice.
Game 2 we didn't do so great, but they didn't either. The lanes were changing, and it took us a while to adapt to that. Wifely and i were just a little under average, but a little was all it took, and we lost Game 2 by a couple dozen.
By Game 3 i had figured it out, and bowled low and slow, shifting between a "lots more to the left" stance and a "lots more to the right" stance, adjusting my hand angle and ball speed accordingly. I threw 9 strikes in a row from the beginning of the game. Then I did a 7/ in the 10th, followed by something ... another strike, I don't remember. But I threw a 265, which is the highest game I've thrown in league in a very very long time. This was my first game >=250 in either league in at least 2 years. Add it all up and I threw a 654 series, so I'm super happy. I think I have a 171 average in that league, so that would be a 523 series, so I was 132 over, which is just shy of the 140 Over Average Series award. Oh well. I guess 2 awards for one series will just have to be enough.
So we won Game 3 and took total wood, giving us a 5-2 win for the night.
Does this mean I'm over the damn Covid yet? I think it should count.
And my pretzels drew raves from everyone. That's nice. Too bad these will be the last ones made from the super high gluten King Arthur flour. The price is just too damn high; more than $40 for 9lb delivered. Way too much. Next batch I'll used bread flour and add some vital wheat gluten to get the percentages up. That might do the job.
No unboxing post
I think those posts people make when they buy something new, and take a zillion pictures of them taking it out of the box, are beyond stupid. So none of that from me.
My new PC got delivered last night, just left in the parking lot in front of our garage. We found it by chance and brought it in. Several hours later I got an email that my package was delivered. Glad we live in a zero crime area.
So the box sat in the hallway overnight, thawing out. It should be a snap to get it up and running, although I'll have to dig out the actual remote for the TV set to access it's menu, as that's the only device we have that's easy to find the WiFi password. After that, I can see about installing my whiz bang Wifi antenna thing, installing the hard drives from my previous computers, making sure that BitBlocker is turned off, and finding the CDs and thumb drives I've got that have my programs on. Several others i can just install via online.
And then I can has pooter again. This time the box is going up on the bookshelf, on vibration absorbing feet with squishy "vibrapod" vibration absorbing feet on top of them. I am tired of killing PCs by minor bumps on the computer desk. Isolate the box, then isolate it two times further. I have extra long cables if needed.
Well duh ...
An analysis of Covid cases etc out of Calgary Canada is showing a massive spike in illness onset, hospitalizations, ICU, and deaths for those people who just got the jabs.
No kidding. The shots stress the heck out of your immune system, so running out in panic and getting the vax "to be protected" while insanely infectious variants are running around isn't the smartest move. And of course, the caveat is that these jabbed up folks don't count as even partially vaccinated until two weeks after the shots. (by which point they are either cured or dead) So, oh noes!!!, the case rates are exploding in Calgary among the evil unvaccinated while vacinnated numbers remain low!!!
it's a scam. Duh.
Have you seen the ads on TV with all the happy little kids having fun and living life, while the voiceover and the chyrons let you know that any kid 5 or older can get the shots? I think this is pretty damn disgusting.
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Says OSHA grossly eceeded their powers. Healthcare vax mandate remains.
Alex Berenson from Unreported TruthsJan 13 at 2:53 PM
This mandate was the broadest of the three, affecting all companies with more than 100 employees. The block effectively ends forced Covid vaccinations at the federal level.
Supreme Court Halts Biden COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate for Businesses
The U.S. Supreme Court on Thursday blocked President Joe Biden's pandemic-related vaccination-or-testing mandate for large businesses at a time of escalating COVID-19 infections while allowing his administration to enforce its separate vaccine requirement for healthcare facilities.
The court acted a/20fter hearing arguments last Friday in the legal fight over temporary mandates issued in November by two federal agencies aimed at increasing U.S. vaccination rates and making workplaces and healthcare settings safer. The cases tested presidential powers to address a swelling public health crisis that already has killed more than 845,000 Americans.
The court was divided in both cases. The court ruled 6-3 with the six conservative justices in the majority and three liberal justices dissenting in blocking the broader workplace ruling. The vote was 5-4 to allow the healthcare worker rule, with two conservatives, Chief Justice John Roberts and Justice Brett Kavanaugh, joining the liberals in the majority.
The federal workplace safety agency issued a rule affecting businesses with at least 100 workers requiring vaccines or weekly COVID-19 tests - a policy applying to more than 80 million employees. Challengers led by the state of Ohio and a business group asked the justices to block the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) rule after a lower court lifted an injunction against it. Companies were supposed to start showing they were in compliance starting this past Monday.
The high court blocked a Dec. 17 decision by the Cincinnati-based 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals that had allowed the mandate to go into effect.
The court's order blocking enforcement while litigation continues in a lower court likely signals doom for the administration's attempt to boost vaccination numbers by harnessing federal powers to protect workplace health and safety. During the oral argument, conservative justices expressed skepticism about the legality of that approach.
The other mandate required vaccination for an estimated 10.3 million workers at about 76,000 healthcare facilities including hospitals and nursing homes that accept money from the Medicare and Medicaid government health insurance programs for elderly, disabled and low-income Americans.
The justices lifted orders by federal judges in Missouri and Louisiana blocking the policy in 24 states, allowing the administration to enforce it nearly nationwide. Enforcement was blocked in Texas by a lower court in separate litigation not at issue in the case before the Supreme Court.
Workers must be vaccinated by the end of February under the mandate.
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WHO Just Caved On Boosters
Says repeated use of original formula unlikely to be sustainable or appropriate. Says new vaxes should be based on current variants.
Problem is, new variants come up faster than vaccines can be built against them.
So it's over. No more 3rd booster, 4th jabs.
Expect future vax to be more like flu vax, some generic attenuated dead virus mix. And about as effective too ... not very.
Treatments are the ONLY answer, always were the only answer. IVM, HCQ, interferon, etc. Take your D, zinc, quercetin.
PC is not working again. Can't deal with it. Bought a new ACER, cheap. i5 cpu 12mb ram, 512gb SSD, win 10. Should be able to put my HDs inside and my super WiFi antenna too.
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Ok, my PC is being cranky again, so it's back to the tablet for minimalism posting.
Big news everywhere today:CDC director Rochelle Walensky says 75% of all Covid deaths were people with at least 4 serious comorbidities. This is at every news site, with the video of her saying it.
But the NBC fact checkers say it ain't so. Oh no, that's not what she really really said. Because if you ignore the MSM sound bite and dig up the actual report, youll find that it wasn't 75% at all. It was 77.8% !! See, totally different and Tucker and the Trumpsters are all liars.
This is the same MSM hypocrits who are still claiming that obesity is the #1 cause, with smoking right up in there somewhere too. Yet the study specifically states that these underlying causes are not the primary leading cause of death conditions. Those are, along with being at least 65 years old ... being immunocomprimised, having heart conditions, pulmonary issues, diabetes, and kidney and liver disease.
So let's split the hairs to the sub-atom level, why not.
And maybe I can go find that link and read the study itself to see if it mentions the other 25% of deaths. How many were under 65? How many only had 3 conditions, or 2, or even 1? If they've got some numbers to find the 4+ group, they've got all the other numbers too. Out with them already.
And They're Right!!
Buopt not because "Republicans pounced". But because Walensky did not express herself clearly. The 75% number is from a study on the vaccinated, and ONLY on the vaccinated.
It also points out that blacks, browns, and woo-woo Indians have the worst overall health and have the highest incidence of severe outcomes with this thing. It isn't a big study, and to me it seems like nonsense, claiming that only 36 vaccinated people died from the Covid in an entire year, out of 1,228,000 who got the jabs. No mention of the who knows how many thousands who died FROM getting the jabs; that's not part of this report. There is something in there about these numbers being roughly similar to the earlier unvaccinated population here and in the UK, but it's a real pain copying and pasting with this tablet when I have only one tab. So go read the study, it's only a few pages.
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The vaxes help, but less than you think, and not for all that long either. And they don't do very much for the latest variant at all. No kidding.
Better than nothing, but you're still sick and you can still spread it. And unless you're pResident Brandon, or one of these isolated dingbats on the Supreme Court, you've known this FOR MONTHS NOW.
Wormwood, baby! Not news to me by a long shot, and hopefully someday it will make it's way out of the lab already.
% at all. It was
Another something from Sometimes Interesting
A long story with a twist or two.
Too much time on my hands ... Sometimes Interesting has a great big post today on Seaview Farms, one of the original poor houses and work farms in the New York area, which dates back to 1830. It soon became a tuberculosis ward, and later became a hospital nexus. It operated until the 1970s, but has fallen into the weeds and is now some kind of greenbelt parkland on Staten Island. But once it was huge, housing thousands. And for many years it was self sufficient, growing not just enough food to feed the residents and staff, but to supply the surrounding area and actually turn a profit. Able bodied residents learned trade skills and the place was quite beneficent for a very long time.
There's a neat little aside way down in there, almost a throwaway bit of trivia. Tuberculosis was brought to a halt with the development of antibiotics during WWII. One of the first antibiotics made other than penicillin was streptomycin, created by Merck working with Rutgers University. The Army experimented with the stuff. The first patient who got some died. The second patient who got some recovered but was left blind. The third patient who got some fully recovered, and after that the rest was history. That patient? The wounded soldier was later known to the world as Senator Robert J Dole.
It's a long read, and the individual fate of the dozens and dozens of buildings are covered, as are the changing politics of the eras, which designer designed what, and on and on. If you're sitting around recovering from Covid and viral pneumonia, it's a great way to burn up a couple of boring hours.
Or you could do laundry and make a batch of pretzels. I did all three things this afternoon. And my blood oxygen levels are staying at a healthy level, with only one brief little nap and O2 concentrator session early this afternoon.
Something really different for once
Impoverished by a Ponzi-style swindle and dying of throat cancer, Ulysses S. Grant moved to the Cottage on June 16, 1885. With the love and support of his family, his publisher Mark Twain and the nation at large, he completed Personal Memoirs of U.S. Grant only days before his death on July 23, 1885. The publication of this two-volume work ensured his family's financial security and gave the world one of the most critically acclaimed memoirs by a U.S. president or historic military figure.
Today, the cottage remains essentially the same as during the Grant family's stay. Visitors tour the downstairs of the cottage, viewing the original furnishings, decorations, and personal items belonging to Grant, including the bed where he died, and floral arrangements that remain from Grant's August 4th funeral. The cottage is now owned by the State of New York and open to the public by the Friends of the Ulysses S. Grant Cottage.
Grant died there on Mount McGregor, too, at 8:08 a.m. on July 23, 1885, and the cottage has remained almost untouched since, a shrine to the former president which now welcomes visitors in the warmer months. In the parlor, the mantle clock is permanently set to 8:08, and in the dining room—shrouded in darkness most of the time—sit the same massive flower arrangements on display at the first memorial to Grant, held at the cottage before a large crowd on August 4, 1885.
Today, when a tour guide turns on the dining room lights, visitors see much the same sight those mourners did: a six-foot-tall gate—like that which might stand at heaven's entrance but emblazoned with the president's name—entirely constructed out of dried flowers. Nearby a sword made of flowers rests on an oversized pillow of flowers surrounded by smaller floral sculptures in the shapes of crosses, a heart, and an anchor. After 136 years, Grant's tributes have been drained of their bright colors. The petals are caked in grime, and some have fallen off over the years. But the set pieces are mostly intact, which makes them a historical anomaly.
Once upon a time US Grant was one of the greatest heroes in America. That's why he's on the $50 bill. Who he was and what he did has been largely forgotten. He was one of the toughest generals ever, but he wasn't that great a president. And he was just as human as the rest of us, from humble origins with plenty of problems in his life.
The Grant cottage in Wilton NY is adorable. I'd love to have a vacation house in the woods by a lake just like it. With modern amenities of course.
Let's see what the news is today ...
Bob Saget has died. He was 65. Found in a nice hotel room in Florida. No signs of drug overdose or foul play. Huh. I'm going with vax death.
Triple jabbed AOC has the 'rona. Maybe she shouldn't have been out partying in Florida last week, maskless, with the poofter squad. What. Ever.
More yadda yadda about the January 6th "Insurrection". God this is so tiring. It's the biggest load of hooey we've ever had crammed down our throats, aside from the pandemic. There was no insurrection. There was no riot. Nothing was destroyed. The Capital was not damaged or looted. A few people had heart attacks and died, then or later. And Ashli Babbit, surrounded by armed and armored Capital Police and no threat to anyone, was murdered. Most of the whole "event" was a false flag operation rigged by the FBI, the Gestapo wing of the DNC. And I'm beyond sick and tired of the non-stop bullshit going on for over a year now.
And on the Covid No Shit Shirlock front .... vaccines make things worse. MUCH WORSE.
The statistically significant and overwhelmingly positive causal impact after vaccine deployment on the dependent variables total deaths and total cases per million should be highly worrisome for policy makers. They indicate a marked increase in both COVID-19 related cases and death due directly to a vaccine deployment that was originally sold to the public as the "key to gain back our freedoms." The effect of vaccines on total cases per million and its low positive association with total vaccinations per hundred signifies a limited impact of vaccines on lowering COVID-19 associated cases.
These results should encourage local policy makers to make policy decisions based on data, not narrative, and based on local conditions, not global or national mandates. These results should also encourage policy makers to begin looking for other avenues out of the pandemic aside from mass vaccination campaigns.
In other words, we were lied to
The vaccines are making this worse, not better. This is why we are not getting ourselves out of the hole.
It won't make a piddle's worth of difference ...
I think I've figured out the pattern and can now confidently predict how health authorities worldwide will react to this stunning result: they will ignore it. Instead, they will mandate vaccines for everyone of every age ASAP. Am I right?
I am so fucking tired of this. We are living in insane clown world and the only thing allowed to be done is to beat the circus drum even harder. This isn't merely mass hypnotic psychosis. It's mass suicide. And that is no accident at all. '
Heck, even the NY Post sort of agrees, though they still toe the line of the lie.
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Oh, by the way, ICYMI ... that other new anti-Covid wonder drug, Molnupiravir from Merck? It can give you cancer (mutagenicity) and it can cause birth defects (teragenecity). And it doesn't work too well against the 'rona either. So it got an EUA of course.
And all this was known, even before Ridgeback acquired the thing from Emory, and then cut a deal with Merck.
While it looked real awesome at first in the lab, it failed in drug trials time after time. I've been following it for more than 20 months now.
Oh Just Knock It Off Already
3 days ago they found FLORONA, and now today, DELTACRON
Influenza + coronavirus = florona. Or Fluona.
Delta variant merged with Omicron variant = Deltacron. Also known as Delmicron, because as always everything to do with this virus has to have at least two different names.
Stop the world, I want to get off.
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Law enforcement has arrested a man who allegedly brought a pipe bomb to a rally in support of a Florida man detained on criminal charges stemming from the January 6th, 2021 protest at the US Capitol. Garrett Smith, a Pinellas County man, was apprehended on Thursday morning after a rally in support of Jeremy Brown.
Sheriff's deputies arrested Smith after they recount him quickly fleeing from the scene of the demonstration. A search of Smith's backpack revealed an item law enforcement is calling a "pipe-type explosive device."
Smith was carrying a helmet decorated with an ANTIFA symbol in his backpack. The red and black drawing of three arrows has been associated with the left-wing street terror movement for years.
Sheriff's deputies allegedly confirmed that the device Smith brought to the scene of the rally was an active explosive device. Gualtieri is describing Brown as an ideological lone wolf "sleeper," revealing that the leftist militant is declining to cooperate with authorities' investigation thus far. Police allegedly located more explosive devices in a search of Smith's home, including one grenade-style object.
"Where was he going to go next? What was he going to do?" said Gualtieri. "Of course, we don't know the answer to that, but he had all the equipment to cause destruction."
Pictures and video at the link. H/T to 90 Miles From Tyranny.
I may have turned the corner on this thing. I hope.
Feeling much better this afternoon. Suddenly, the both of us. Big burst of energy and alertness. Not that we were foggy or anything. Just lackadaisical. So we got motivated and did a bunch of housework. Cleaned the bathroom and cat pan, got all the garbage and recycling out, did a few loads of laundry and got the kitchen completely clean. All the dishes. I even took a shower and shaved. Then we made something sort of cajun with leftover chicken and steak. So now it's time to eat.
I'm not coughing hardly at all. I'm not tired or sweating. No aches or pains. Sinus not bad at all. Big appetite.
Is this the ivermectin miracle? Or the results of all that QP and zinc? Not sure, not sure that I care. Just glad to feel like I'm winning against this crap. Let's see if that lasts. Fingers crossed.
My Covid Odyssey
Another day, another day in unsplendid isolation, another day of not feeling any worse nor really any better. I've got a little cough, I've got a little runny nose. My oxygen levels are pretty good, with or without additional oxygen. I'm eating and resting and staying warm. I'm taking another round of ivermectin, this time at the medium dose level, along with the prednisone, using my Anoro daily, and getting in 5 or 6 puffs from my albuteral inhaler as the pharmacy did not come through with the albuteral liquid for my nebulizer. And I'm taking all the vitamins, supplements, zinc, magnesium, powdered medicinal mushrooms, black seed oil, and the potent quercetin phytosome. And the dingleberry elderberry pills. Plenty of strong green tea with raw honey. There isn't much else that I can think of to do. I don't seem to be getting any worse, I'm not tired at all although I'm not filled with boundless energy, and I don't seem to be getting any worse. Or not much worse. It's so hard to tell. No fever though. Can still taste stuff. Good appetite. No more night sweats or chills. No numbness in my hands or feet, brain seems sharp enough, no chest pains or body aches.
But it is really boring being stuck in this house since Xmas Eve. My big escape today was to clean the snow off my car, go to the drive thru ATM at the bank, and then put some gas in my car. Out and back in 15 minutes, didn't see or talk to anyone.
Take this for what it's worth: Pasteur Institute says Omicron is barely stopped by natural immunity or by fully vaxxed immunity if it's fresh.
Omicron blows right through most of the monoclonals, although they didn't look at the Regeneron Regen-Cov product or the Glaxo Smith Kline product. Getting a recent booster did stop it, but it took as much as 31 times more of those artificial antibodies to do the job compared to what was needed to shut down Delta.
I'd say it's time to update the vaccines and monoclonals to make them more Omicron specific. Or to finally get behind repurposed treatments that seem to have done good things for millions in other parts of the world for earlier variants. Can't hurt to try at this point.
The scientists began by testing nine monoclonal antibodies used in clinical practice or currently in preclinical development. Six antibodies lost all antiviral activity, and the other three were 3 to 80 times less effective against Omicron than against Delta. The antibodies Bamlanivimab/Etesevimab (a combination developed by Lilly), Casirivimab/Imdevimab (a combination developed by Roche and known as Ronapreve) and Regdanvimab (developed by Celtrion) no longer had any antiviral effect against Omicron. The Tixagevimab/Cilgavimab combination (developed by AstraZeneca under the name Evusheld) was 80 times less effective against Omicron than against Delta.
"We demonstrated that this highly transmissible variant has acquired significant resistance to antibodies. Most of the therapeutic monoclonal antibodies currently available against SARS-CoV-2 are inactive," comments Olivier Schwartz, co-last author of the study and Head of the Virus and Immunity Unit at the Institut Pasteur.
The scientists observed that the blood of patients previously infected with COVID-19, collected up to 12 months after symptoms, and that of individuals who had received two doses of the Pfizer or AstraZeneca vaccine, taken five months after vaccination, barely neutralized the Omicron variant. But the sera of individuals who had received a booster dose of Pfizer, analyzed one month after vaccination, remained effective against Omicron. Five to 31 times more antibodies were nevertheless required to neutralize Omicron, compared with Delta, in cell culture assays.
It's been the most astonishing two weeks for American public life, with so many prescient changes, from new censorships, admissions, backtracks, experts speaking out, public outrage, and what strikes me as a progressive unraveling of every orthodoxy imposed nearly two years ago.
Not even the influential and powerful are in a position to defend what has happened to us. They seem to be gradually pulling away from public life, unable to say things that connect to what everyone knows.
Above all else, what's remarkable right now is the undeniable arrival of Covid to a degree to which hardly anyone could have imagined all that time ago, when so many experts set out to deploy their fabulous new system for stopping the spread of a disease.
Nearly two years ago, they deployed a new experiment in stopping a pathogen. It was a plan that was 15 years in the making, hatched by fanatics who imagined that state policy could outwit a virus.
The wreckage was astonishing, and yet what was the payoff? Here we are today with a wave of sickness that defies every prediction, and with collateral damage beyond even the worst predictions (including my own). And the truth of this is all over the data that anyone can see and the stories that anyone can hear.
The country is right now sicker than it has ever been in our lifetimes.
What a stunning repudiation of state policy – the worst failing of public health and public policy perhaps in the history of the US if not the entire world.
Nice going asshats. And we're the ones denying Teh Science???
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Sidney Poitier, whose portrayal of resolute heroes in films like "To Sir, With Love," "In the Heat of the Night" and "Guess Who's Coming to Dinner" established him as Hollywood's first Black matinee idol and helped open the door for Black actors in the film industry, has died at 94.
His death was confirmed by Eugene Torchon-Newry, acting director general of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the Bahamas, where Mr. Poitier grew up. No other details were immediately provided.
Mr. Poitier, whose Academy Award for the 1963 film "Lilies of the Field" made him the first Black performer to win in the best-actor category, rose to prominence when the civil rights movement was beginning to make headway in the United States. His roles tended to reflect the peaceful integrationist goals of the struggle. Although often simmering with repressed anger, his characters responded to injustice with quiet determination. They met hatred with reason and forgiveness, sending a reassuring message to white audiences and exposing Mr. Poitier to attack as an Uncle Tom when the civil rights movement took a more militant turn in the late 1960s.
OK, I has blog again. I had to renew the domain registration, as the auto-pay failed because the credit card I was using expired. So I went through the rigamarole, used a new card, and paid them the $15. Good for another year, and several more auto-renews after that.
My O2 levels are staying between 93 and 95 today, which is pretty good. Not feeling tired or short of breath, or coughing, or anything. No sinus pain either. Time to take some more Prednisone, and then eat, and then more vitamins. I am going to beat this. But I'll probably have to delay my dental appointment yet again, just to be 100% sure I'm past the viral pneumonia before I go in for my next oral surgery. Life gets complicated sometimes ya know?
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Happy Insurrection Day!
Here in the land of freedom, of free speech, of the right to gather to redress grievances, the land of due process and a fair and speedy trial, plenty of mostly peaceful protesters remain isolated in terrible jail conditions, uncharged, untried, unconvicted, denied bail, and ignored by their elected representatives an entire year after being taken in by a false flag operation lead by the FBI and the DNC. They are political prisoners to a regime of evil usurpers and have been left to rot. I'd quip "say their names" but most of us have no idea who they even are, or how many of them they are, or anything. They have been disappeared.
And what is the news, even at "right wing" Fox?
VP Harris describes Jan. 6 alongside Pearl Harbor, 9/11 as dates that 'echo throughout history'
Vice president says, 'I wonder, how will Jan. 6 will be remembered in the years ahead?'
Complete and utter bullshit. And this is what you are fed and told to believe.
This government is the enemy.
Personal Health Update
Yes, I still have the 'rona. I also have viral pneumonia, although I can't really feel it, and don't feel bad at all. Ok, I'm having a few cold like symptoms, a bit of a runny nose. That's it. I had a small fever the other day, but that's gone too. My post from the other day, rather obscure, was the result of me going to my doctor for a sore sinus condition and being hauled off to the hospital in an ambulance. I didn't get a choice in the matter. I spent the entire day in a negative pressure isolation room in the ER, strapped and wired to a highly uncomfortable chaise bed. I was given a bolus injection of dexamethasone and a nebulizer of albuterol sulfate, a covid/flu/RSV PCR swab and a digital chest xray. I was then forgotten about for the rest of the day. I could not get out of the bed, I could not get to the bathroom. I had nothing to eat or drink for 9 hours, I didn't even have a tissue to blow my nose if needed, there was no interior handle on the curtained off pressure door to the room and there was no call button. With no cell coverage or wifi, and my phone out of reach in my coat pocket, the only way I could mark time was from the automatic blood pressure cuff inflating to arm popping pressure every half hour.
Eventually some doctor stopped by to discuss my admission. What, am I being admitted? Why? Do I have the covid? Yes. Do I have pneumonia? Yes. Bacterial or viral? Viral. Can I get the monoclonal antibody treatments? No, you aren't 65 or older. Can I get either of those treatment pills that just got the EUAs? No, we don't have them yet. Oh. Well, what can you do for me, aside from the steroid shot and putting me on oxygen support? We want you to have the remdesivir treatment. Is that the one that takes 4 to 6 days of IV infusion? Yes. Isn't that the one that the WHO is strongly against, the one that's outlawed in several European countries because it doesn't work, and the one that some studies have shown can kill as many as 1 in 4 people who get it? Silence.
No thanks, I want to go home. I didn't ask to come here, I feel abducted, and this room is a prison cell and torture chamber.
So they send in some other doctor, the most cadaverous wan looking exhausted young woman I've ever seen in person. Add a few herpes sores, knock out a couple teeth and put her in some size 13 sneakers and she could pass for some homeless crack ho lying in the city gutter. Oh you really do need to stay. They can't take care of you at home. Your oxygen levels are poor. You have preexisting conditions. You are going to get so much worse before you get better. And on and on. So even though I have oxygen equipment at home, and can meter my levels constantly, and I have all the vitamins, supplements, and a variety of natural and off label anti-viral and anti-inflammatory treatments, I agreed to stay overnight. Fine, we'll set you up. And that was that for another few hours.
She did not offer me a glass of water, anything to eat, ask if I needed to use the bathroom, get anyone to help me get comfortable. She just left. Hours passed. Finally I couldn't take it any longer. So I disconnected all my wires and hoses, managed to climb over the locked rails of the inoperable chaise bed, and made it the 5 feet to the bathroom. With seconds to spare. And peed just a little, as I was totally dehydrated at that point. There wasn't even a cup in the room, so I slurped a couple of palmsful of water from my bare hand. Which I later measured at home was less than half of 1/8 cup. A couple tablespoons.
I was livid. I hooked myself up to the machines again, found my cellphone, sent my wifely a text to come get me the hell out of there. And I took a picture of my terrible horrible condition from the monitor, which shows what is a good O2 level for me, good BP for me, and a decent low pulse and breathing rate. In other words, I'm as good as I usually am, living with the apnea and COPD that I've been told I have. I rested a bit, and then took action, getting out of bed again, getting dressed, and knocking on the heavy and fully curtained off isolation room door until I got someone to come by, and then demanded my release. This took some time, and another visit from the PA who acted as if I'd personally offended her, and another visit from the attending, who was sympathetic, and when shown the picture of my monitor, told me that there wasn't anything more they could do and I should leave. So I signed the Running Away Against Their Advice Form, and got the hell out. She came and got me.
When I got home I drank 4 full glasses of Coke and had a big bowl of Progresso soup. An hour later I peed about half a cup. I was that dehydrated. I took a shitload of vitamins and went to bed.
The next day I got a follow up call from my doctor's office, and had a great talk with the young woman who called. She was aghast at my treatment at the hospital, and could not speak against my opinion of the effective treatments denied me and the ineffective and deadly treatment offered me. Two years into this pandemic, and the "process" is still a) go home and take a Tylenol and isolate until you turn blue, then b) go to the hospital and die, either from the remdesivir or the ventilator. Every other treatment that has come along, from the vitamins to the nitric oxide to the ivermectin to the quercetin to the nigella sativa to the licorice root tea to everything and anything else, has been ignored and denigrated. But my doctors are a little proactive, and they quickly got me a prescription for some prednisone pills and some albuteral sulfate liquid I can use in the nebulizer I already have.
Aside from a few free thinkers, most Healthcare is a mindless bunch of automatons operating under complete government control, pushing only the buttons they are told to push and ignoring all others. And government wants me to die. They are the enemy.
This morning, after a good nights sleep with my Bi-PAP and my oxygen concentrator, my blood oxygen level was 98. I am taking more Ivermectin. I am taking the quercetin phytosome with extra zinc. I am taking a larger amount of the nigella sativa oil and have ordered more. I am taking Benadryl (hey did you hear that Benadryl and milk cure the covid? Pretty close. Benadryl and one of the lactoferrins, a milk enzyme, used together, can cut the viral load 99%. This is still early stage research, but it looks promising. Cross your fingers).
So I will get better, or I won't, but I'll do that in my own home. And a week from now I will rejoin society, such as it is for me. Because everyone else is walking around with this damn bug right now, getting on with their lives for better or worse. After laying off thousands of medical workers who wouldn't get the poison "vaccines", this latest wave of "darkness and death", the CDC is now allowing infected health care workers to be in patient contact WHEN THEY HAVE ACTIVE SYMPTOMS. What. The. Fuck.
Oh, and after all of this, my nose was still painful. So I gathered up a fingerful of Cerave healing creme and rubbed it around inside my nose. That did the job.
Same situation, told by a better writer than me:
To think that every week over 8,000 Americans are dying, mostly in hospital ICUs is unbelievable. But that is no excuse that there is no serious attention by the mainstream media. Take a moment to reflect that this is more deaths than those in the 9/11 attacks and Pearl Harbor, combined. And it is happening every week.
Hospitals have become killing machines, places where the kiss of death is a protocol following government guidelines. Despite wide COVID vaccine use deaths in hospitals because of late stage viral infection remain at a high level. Difficulty in getting COVID testing quickly and often probably contributes to the high death rate. Too many people do not get their COVID infection addressed early. There remains too little use of monoclonal antibodies early for infected people. So their infection progresses to serious lung and breathing problems.
That is the beginning of the end.
And it will be a long time before the new antiviral drugs from Pfizer and Merck are broadly available and there will be more information on whether they are really safe and effective for all diverse types of people.
In hospitals, patients with breathing problems and upper respiratory distress are giving medical actions that may address pain but inevitably lead to death, often after many weeks in the ICU. They get the useless and harmful drug remdesivir, supplemental oxygen, steroids, and are intubated, put on a ventilator and usually put into a coma. And eventually they die and become another COVID statistic.
It has been reported that the death rate for COVID patients prescribed remdesivir (26%) exceeds the fatality rate of COVID patients prescribed ivermectin, which is recorded by the Medicare database at 7.2%. And it has documented serious side effects.
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Still here. Still not dead. Still fighting the covid. Thought I was over it, but I was wrong. Don't want to write a 10 page rant about medical care. Suffice to say I will treat at home and get better or I will die at home. Trust me, that's a long way away. I don't feel bad at all. A small cough.
Yesterday was a medical day from Hell for me. Someday I might share, but right now I'm still so upset I can hardly think straight. But I am free, and at home. Good enough for now.
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You can't win with the greenies. They yell and scream and beat their tom-toms over renewable energy and carbon neutral, and they want the whole world to run on free electricity. But they don't want to burn anything like wood or gas or coal to generate it, OMG No Nukes Never!!!, and don't damn the rivers for hydroelectric. The only forms they approve of are the ones that don't really work, like solar and wind. Even though wind turbines are a money pit and endangered bird and bat killing factories, and even solar farms out in the empty barren desert are no good because a tortoise might stub his toe on one while walking by.
So what's the world to do? Hey, about geothermal? Take superheated ground water out of a really deep hole, use it to run steam turbines, then put the water back in the ground for Gaia's hot rocks to heat up again. Perfect right? Oh no, can't have that. Well, not in the middle of gob-smacked nowhere Nevada, far from any town, road, or even forest, because some "rare" toad lives there who might be displaced. A 2" toad left over from the Pleistocene Epoch that nobody even knew existed 4 years ago. And his two cousins that live in tiny hot springs a few miles away. All of them have been isolated from the rest of the world for nearly 3/4 million years.
The Dixie Valley toad is restricted to the spring fed-wetland habitat along the western edge of the Dixie Valley playa.
The overall population numbers of the Dixie Valley toad are unknown. The habitat occupied by the species is adjacent to a proposed site for a geothermal power plant that could dry up the marsh and threaten the toad's survival.
And when you have a really weak protest movement to Save Teh Toad, best bet is to get some group of leftover Indians [ the Paiute were already well beaten by the Utes and the Navajo before white folks showed up ] involved so they can claim it's sacred native land. Even though it's on barren federal property, not part of any rez, that was sold to the government 25 years ago because it's utterly worthless. It's so worthless that the Navy uses it as a bombing training area. Remember the movie Top Gun?
The Paiute-Shoshone reservation is in Stillwater, which is a bit northeast of Fallon NV, which is 55 miles east of Reno. The Dixie Valley area is another 30 or so miles further into the back country. The abandoned microscopic town of Dixie is at the head of the valley and there is already a 66 megawatt geothermal generator there.
And call me Mr. Silly, but couldn't you take some of that underground water, cool it off and filter it, and spread it around to make sure the wetland stays ... wet?
The hot springs area is here, map ref 39.79485663133185, -118.06097532095313. There is nothing there, just some salt crusted dried mud. There is nothing anywhere near it. Even the OHV recreational area some miles away is no more than a simple wooden sign on a wooden post.
But that's how they play the game. I can smell the patchoulli and ganga from here.
RENO, Nev.—Conservationists and tribal leaders are suing the U.S. government to try to block construction of two geothermal plants in northern Nevada's high desert that they say will destroy a sacred hot springs and could push a rare toad to the brink of extinction.
The lawsuit filed by the Center for Biological Diversity and Fallon Paiute-Shoshone Tribe says the project would turn a "pristine and unique location of ecological value and spiritual significance" into an industrial site.
It's the latest public lands conflict pitting green energy production against potential harm to wildlife habitat or cultural resources in the biggest U.S. gold producing state, where legal challenges traditionally target things like hard-rock mining.
Environmentalists nationally have rallied around President Joe Biden's ambitious renewable energy agenda, which embraces solar, wind and geothermal production.
Geothermal plants pump water from beneath the earth to generate steam to make electricity. The deeper they drill, the warmer the water is. The power plants produce significantly fewer greenhouse emissions than plants that burn natural gas or coal.
The lawsuit filed Dec. 15 accuses the Bureau of Land Management of illegally approving Ormat Technologies Inc.'s project in the Dixie Meadows about 100 miles (160 kilometers) east of Reno without the necessary environmental analysis.
It also says the agency is violating the Religious Freedom Restoration Act.
Right, and remember how these hippie wokesters want the world to run on electricity? That means batteries. And the good batteries are made from lithium (as are the hippies' psych meds). But this same group stopped a lithium mine in NV, because of a flower. Seriously, a flower. Biggest lithium-boron source in the country, perhaps the world.
Formed by natural springs, Dixie Meadows is a critical wetland ecosystem in a desert oasis that is home to the Dixie Valley toad found nowhere else in the world, the lawsuit says.
The Biden administration approved the project last month even though the center's petition to list the toad as a U.S. endangered species is still pending before the Fish and Wildlife Service.
The center is the same group that won an endangered species listing earlier this year for a rare plant at the site of a proposed lithium mine 225 miles (362 km) southeast of Reno. Lithium is a key component of batteries for electric vehicles, a centerpiece of Biden's energy strategy.
[ sorry, snipping off old posts sometimes me to sses up the html. trying to stay on top of it ] April 9, 2021
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Aww, this is a damn shame.
Beloved actress, comedian and American icon Betty White has died, just weeks before a milestone birthday ... TMZ has learned.
Law enforcement sources tell TMZ ... Betty passed away at her home just before 9:30 AM Friday.
A trailblazer and pioneer in media, Betty had the longest running career for any woman in TV prior to her death—starring in multiple shows over the past 8 decades, starting way back in 1939.
Betty is perhaps most famous for her lead role as Rose Nylund in "The Golden Girls," which ran from 1985 to 1992. She'd been in TONS of other big hits throughout her life though.
Betty got her start in radio in the '40s, making appearances on "Blondie," "The Great Gildersleeve," and "This is Your FBI." She eventually got her own radio program. In 1949, she began working on a TV variety show with Al Jarvis called "Hollywood on Television"—which she later co-hosted—before breaking out into more TV roles.
Her breakout comedic role came in 1973 when she played Sue Ann Nivens on "The Mary Tyler Moore Show" ... which ran until 1977, and then she got her starring role in "The Betty White Show."
With 115 acting credits to her name, Betty had roles in productions like "Life with Elizabeth," "Date with the Angels," "The Love Boat," "Mama's Family," "The Golden Palace," "Ladies Man," "That '70s Show," "Higglytown Heroes," "Boston Legal," "The Bold and the Beautiful," "Pound Puppies," "Hot in Cleveland," and many, many, many other shows and films.
NY appointed governor Hochul yesterday: Systemic racism is health emergency!!
NY appointed governor Hochul today: No Covid meds if you're white.
The state of New York said it will prioritize non-White people in the distribution of COVID-19 treatments in short supply.
New York's Department of Health released a document detailing its plan to distribute the treatments, such as monoclonal antibody treatment and antiviral pills.
The plan includes a section on eligibility for the scarce antiviral pills that people must meet to receive the treatment, including a line stating a person needs to have "a medical condition or other factors that increase their risk for severe illness."
One such "risk factor" is being a race or ethnicity that is not White due to "longstanding systemic health and social inequities"
"Non-white race or Hispanic/Latino ethnicity should be considered a risk factor, as longstanding systemic health and social inequities have contributed to an increased risk of severe illness and death from COVID-19," the memo reads.
Erin Silk, a spokesperson for the New York Department of Health, told Fox News in a statement that the state's "prioritization guidance comes directly from the CDC" and that neither "race nor ethnicity would disqualify an individual from receiving treatment."
"Systemic poverty, which has clearly proven to be a risk factor in populations in New York State and nationwide, is added to the algorithm of prioritization similar to all other risk factors. It is merely mentioned as a factor that increases risk," she wrote.
New York's plan to distribute medical treatment comes as the state sees a record number of COVID-19 cases.
Yeah, no. Bullshit. We heard and saw nearly the exact same thing in Minnesota the other week. Being a member of a prioritized race and preferred pigmentation isn't just another factor, it's the only factor.
The courts will do nothing. The courts HAVE done nothing. Leftists, from Clinton to Cuomo to Hunter to Fauci, all the way down to the feral ghetto rats rioting and doing organized smash and grab shoplifting, are exempt from the rules.
The rules only apply to you, and will only be used against you, never for you.
But let's look at the other side of the coin. That same group is STILL the lowest percentage of vaccinated people. They're still the group with the highest percentage of serious pre-existing conditions. They're still the group that demands - and gets - all kinds of special privileges, and is above the rules that apply to everyone else to a large extent.
Oh, and by the way, the new Covid pill from Pfizer, which is actually called Paxlovid and not Pfizermectin as many people think, wasn't really tested, the data was kept hidden, and there was no public comment period.
The pro-drug industry mainstream media are insanely positive over the newly FDA-approved Pfizer antiviral COVID treatment pills.
The drug, Paxlovid, received an emergency use authorization by FDA for use in patients 12 years old and up who have tested positive for COVID-19 and are at high risk.
Now is the time to speak calmly and accurately about Paxlovid. First, everyone should appreciate that there was very little testing of the short- and long-term safety of this product, exactly what happened with COVID vaccines. Really good testing of a new drug should take many months or even years.
All you get is positive news for this new drug – actually a combination of drugs.
Here are brief summary statements about this new product:
It was approved by the FDA without any external meetings, serious reviews of test data or opportunity for public input. Pretty much all the regulatory work was done behind closed doors. Terrific for Pfizer. Bad for the public....
So maybe this is overt anti-white racism, maybe it's just an excuse to do Tuskegee all over again. Maybe it's both. Maybe it's Maybelline. After all, it's just the darkie dregs we can all live without. Who gives a shit if they all drop dead from taking a barely tested drug? Not the Left, since there is no election coming up for a while yet.
The left is throwing this out as a trigger, to trigger a race war. They have divided society along racial lines as much as they could. They have divided society into the vaxxed and the unvaxxed and stoked the animosity between them.
Don't fall for their crap, no matter how tempting it is to just give up and start shooting.
But I am so fed up with the pandering to some groups and the entitlement attitudes they have and are always given more of.
UPDATE: It's not just the pills, it's the monoclonal antibodies too. A much more detailed article is here. White people aren't necessarily being shut out, but they have to be old, seriously ill, and have a significant pre-existing condition. Non-whites meet those criteria simply by not being white.
Then there is an additional requirement that makes intuitive sense: the COVID patient must "have a medical condition or other factors that increase their risk for severe illness." It makes sense that the government would seek to prioritize those who are at higher risk for developing severe illness.
But the policy then states that anyone who is non-white — regardless of age, health or underlying medical conditions — is automatically deemed to have met the requirement that one must have "a medical condition or other factors that increase their risk for severe illness" in order to receive this treatment ("Non-white race or Hispanic/Latino ethnicity should be considered a risk factor."). That means that a healthy twenty-year-old Asian football player or a 17-year-old African-American marathon runner from a wealthy family will be automatically deemed at heightened risk to develop serious COVID illness — making them instantly eligible for monoclonal treatments upon testing positive and showing symptoms — while a White person of exactly the same age and health condition from an impoverished background would not be automatically eligible.
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I has PC again! Apparently this box likes to take the holidays off. It broke down just before Thanksgiving and came back a couple days later. It broke down again just before Christmas and seems fine today. Both times I just left it alone for a few days, unplugged.
Add Licorice Root To Your Anti-viral Arsenal
Licorice root tea, used medicinally for thousands of years across the whole Old World, has decent anti-viral properties.
From what I understand, it fights viruses by stimulating your body to produce more nitric oxide, a "small molecule" your body already makes to fight off diseases.
Glycyrrhizin was valued in ancient Arabia and Greece for treating coughs and in China for relieving irritation of the mucous membranes. In modern times, glycyrrhizin has been shown to be a formidable antiviral, fighting herpes, HIV, hepatitis, influenza, encephalitis and pneumonia as well as less known viruses like respiratory syncytial virus, arboviruses, vaccinia virus and vesicular stomatitis virus.
Modern scientific research identified that it works and how it works back during the original SARS outbreak. This information was published in the leading medical journals, but was ignored and forgotten about, like all the other treatments that work, when SARS-CoV-2 came around. Go figure.
Soon after the SARS-CoV-1 outbreak, the medical journal The Lancet published a research letter suggesting that glycyrrhizin might fight SARS:
"The outbreak of SARS warrants the search for antiviral compounds to treat the disease. At present, no specific treatment has been identified for SARS-associated coronavirus infection. We assessed the antiviral potential of ribavirin, 6-azauridine, pyrazofurin, mycophenolic acid, and glycyrrhizin against two clinical isolates of coronavirus from patients with SARS …
Of all the compounds, glycyrrhizin was the most active in inhibiting replication of the SARS-associated virus. Our findings suggest that glycyrrhizin should be assessed for treatment of SARS."
Glycyrrhizin had several positive actions, wrote the researchers:
"In addition to inhibition of virus replication, glycyrrhizin inhibits adsorption and penetration of the virus — early steps of the replicative cycle … Glycyrrhizin was most effective when given both during and after the adsorption period …
… glycyrrhizin and its aglycone metabolite 18β glycyrrhetinic acid upregulate expression of inducible nitrous oxide synthase and production of nitrous oxide in macrophages.
Nitrous oxide inhibits replication of several viruses — eg, Japanese encephalitis virus, which can also be inhibited by glycyrrhizin. Our preliminary results show that glycyrrhizin induces nitrous oxide synthase in Vero cells [cells used in cultures] and that virus replication is inhibited when the nitrous oxide donor is added to the culture medium."
You can read more about how licorice works here, in "Hepatoprotective effect of licorice, the root of Glycyrrhiza uralensis Fischer, in alcohol-induced fatty liver disease" which also cites several similar research papers.
Here's another science paper on it, A history of the therapeutic use of liquorice in Europe, with more links to other papers.
You can get some of the licorice benefits from eating licorice candy, but it has to be real licorice candy. The red stuff is not licorice at all. Many licorice candies have no licorice in them, using the similar tasting anise oil flavoring instead. But even if you can get the real deal, you don't want to eat too much of too, too often, as it can lower your potassium levels, which can spike your blood pressure, mess with your heart, and even kill you.
But a couple cups of licorice tea a week when you're well won't hurt, and no more than 3 cups a day for 3 days when you're sick. Chop up some of the root, add a cinnamon stick and some slices of fresh ginger to a pot of water, boil, simmer for a bit, then pour it out through a coffee filter in a funnel.
Here's how to make the tea.
You can buy the whole roots in stick form from Amazon, $17/lb. These will last longer than the chopped up roots sold there too, which in turn will last much longer than the ground up root powder. So you cut up part of a stick with snips, then bash it into mush with big (clean!!) hammer. Big deal.
Omicron Got The Boot
I feel completely fine at this point. If I even had this 'rona - I didn't bother to get tested as I was locked into this condo for a week with the wifely who tested positive and had symptoms, so it was pretty much a given that I'd get it - my "symptoms" were never more than feeling really tired and having a slight but steady headache behind my eyes. I didn't get the cough, didn't lose my sense of smell, didn't get more body aches than the usual knee pain I live with every day anyway, didn't even get the runny nose. So if I had it, "asymptomatic joke" was more accurate than "really mild".
I followed the FLCCC early treatment protocol, which also called for a larger daily amount of nigella sativa seeds, and a double melatonin before bed, along with double quercetin and extra zinc. I had taken a couple days off from the nigella, as we've been using the concentrated oil and it tastes awful. But last night I reread the protocol, and increased my 5% TQ-Advanced Black Seed oil to a full 5ml, which is about a tablespoon, and is equal to several teaspoonsful of the raw seeds. And I took 2 5mg melatonin pills before bed, along with another 1000mg vitamin C pill, one of the potent quercetin phytosome pills and 100mg of zinc gluconate. Yeah, typical man, I finally gave in an followed the directions, right?
And this morning I felt fine. No more headache, no sinus pressure, no nothing. So I had another dose of the oil, just to be sure. But no more Ivermectin. 6 doses was plenty and then some. I'll continue with the QP and the zinc for a few more days just to be sure.
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Harry Reid has died.
Joe Madden passed away just the other day.
I will miss Joe Madden.
I thought I was comin down with this covis crap last night. Minor upper head pain, rumbly tummy, tired. I drank 3 glasses of Coke and felt fine 10 minutes later. Stay hydrated!!
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A couple positive Covid bits:
Epoch Times runs a reprint of a Dr. Mercola article talking about a substack anthology that discusses quercetin in detail. It works just like hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) but is available over the counter. And the high powered version, quercetin phytosome (QP), appears to be quite effective against the damn Covid virus.
This is one .of supplements we've been taking for >20 months now, and when Omicron got hot we switched over to QP.
While it might be mentioned specifically in the substack anthology linked in the above link, quercetin was identified as a highly probable ACE-2 receptor site binding inhibitor by the Oak Ridge SUMMIT super computer study done in April 2020, then promptly ignored for the next year and a half by everyone other than health food freaks and fans of vitamins and supplements. Dr. Vladimir Zelenko added it to his covid protocol quite some time ago, as a lesser alternative to HCQ. Down in Florida, Governor Ron DeSantis made the first government recommendation for adjuvant neutraceuticals within the last two weeks, urging people to take vitamin D3, vitamin C, zinc, and quercetin. Vitamin K mk7 and magnesium should have been on that list too, but I haven't looked at it yet. Bottom line, inexpensive regular quercetin helps, and the slightly spendy ($60) very absorbable quercetin phtyosome helps a whole lot more.
Makes you wonder if any of this isolation, quarantine, lockdown BS was ever even necessary. Or else it's ...
The CDC has reduced the quarantine/isolation period to 5 days, whether you are vaccinated or not.
If you have the 'ronaher , you can come back to work after 5 days IF you are asymptomatic, BUT you are asked to wear a mask for the next 5 days.
Given what we currently know about COVID-19 and the Omicron variant, CDC is shortening the recommended time for isolation from 10 days for people with COVID-19 to 5 days, if asymptomatic, followed by 5 days of wearing a mask when around others. The change is motivated by science demonstrating that the majority of SARS-CoV-2 transmission occurs early in the course of illness, generally in the 1-2 days prior to onset of symptoms and the 2-3 days after. Therefore, people who test positive should isolate for 5 days and, if asymptomatic at that time, they may leave isolation if they can continue to mask for 5 days to minimize the risk of infecting others.
Additionally, CDC is updating the recommended quarantine period for those exposed to COVID-19. For people who are unvaccinated or are more than six months out from their second mRNA dose (or more than 2 months after the J&J vaccine) and not yet boosted, CDC now recommends quarantine for 5 days followed by strict mask use for an additional 5 days. Alternatively, if a 5-day quarantine is not feasible, it is imperative that an exposed person wear a well-fitting mask at all times when around others for 10 days after exposure. Individuals who have received their booster shot do not need to quarantine following an exposure, but should wear a mask for 10 days after the exposure. For all those exposed, best practice would also include a test for SARS-CoV-2 at day 5 after exposure. If symptoms occur, individuals should immediately quarantine until a negative test confirms symptoms are not attributable to COVID-19.
Two ways to look at this ...
First, this might show that the entire quarantine / lockdown / isolation thing was nonsense from the get-go. The 5 day "golden window" viral replication graph has been around for a long time now. By the time a week has passed, you're hardly making any new virus inside you, and thus you can't spread any by sneezing or coughing, Omicron or not. But wear your mask anyway, just to show willing, even though we just showed you that you won't be spreading anything after 5 days.
Second, Omicron is spreading so quickly that a 10 day minimum isolation would shut the economy down cold. So make it 5 and get back to work. We're all going to get it, so it doesn't make any difference.
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Took my 4th dose, which was my 3rd full dose, so we have reached the ivermectin plateau. The medicine leaves your body in 72 hours, so it decreases by a third every day. That means the plateau level is twice your daily dosage: all of today's dose, 2/3 of yesterday's dose, and 1/3 of the day before that's dose. The effects of the medicine stick around a good bit longer.
We are going to extend the protocol by 2 days, which will give us 5 days on the plateau. That will do the job completely, if this cattle dewormer does what it's said to do. And I believe it does. She is over her fever, which wasn't severe, and is past almost all her body aches. She still has a runny nose and a scratchy throat. No headache.
I still have no symptoms, although I've been a little tired.
I feel energetic enough to do some housework, garbage, dishes, and laundry. We're starting to get buried here, taking care of our health instead.
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Another day of isolation. Took my 3rd dose of ivermectin, still no side effects, still no desire to graze on the lawn or wear a saddle.
She is doing much better, less fatigue than before, less bodyaches. Were eating well, getting lots of rest, drinking lots of liquids. started binge watching Dexter, a strange show about a disonnected psychotic who murders people for the public good. nt sure if i like it yet.
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December 25, 2021
Made it through another day. We both took full treatment doses of Agrimectin, 0.4mg/kg for me who may not be sick, and 0.47mg/kg for her who is sick, but only starting her treatment on symptom day 4, which is a bit late. But her symptoms are mild, and maybe the QP and black seed oil has been keeping a lid on things anyway. No negative reaction to the 1% liquid Agrimectin at all for either of us. So, so far so good.
It was a quiet Christmas for us, but we spoke on the phone a bunch and traded texts with several people, so we didn't really feel isolated. And we ate well all day long.
We'll take things one day at a time and hope tomorrow is better but accept that there might be a few bad days ahead.
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December 24, 2021
Our Christmas is cancelled. Omicron is in my house
Wednesday night she was fine. Thursday she had runny nose, mild body aches, and fatigue. This morning I got her to her doc and she tested positive. No genomic assay, but those are the Omicron symptoms to a tee. And it was the combined test, so she came back negative for influenza A and B. It's the 'rona.
So no Christmas Eve party with all the Italian relatives and all the fish dishes. No Christmas dinner at her sister's. No post-Christmas visit to my mom's on Monday, and she's on leave from the job she just started. Which is where she picked up the bug, as she hasn't been anywhere else at all in a week. And that place is having lots of people out sick.
I took my first dose of the 1% liquid Agrimectin. Livestock ivermectin. I've had it ready for a year now. While I feel just fine, I have to consider myself post-exposure, and there's no way we can isolate apart from each other in this little condo. And it's too cold for me to live in the garage for 10 days. So I took a dose halfway between the prophylaxis and the early treatment dose, following the FLCCC protocol. Just to play guinea pig, to see if the FDA warning is BS or not. Had a nice roast beef and Swiss sandwhich with extra mayo beforehand, and an English muffin with lots of butter. so a moderate meal with plenty of fat, which is the right way to take ivermectin. I didn't explode, fall over dead, or have convulsions or "dire rear", but it's only been 2 hours. So if I'm OK by dinner time, she'll get a half dose too. Then full doses ( 0.4mg/kg) for the next 4-5 days after that. With Quercetin phytosome 12 hours later, and the nigella sativa, and all the vitamins, zinc, magnesium, and elderberry pills in between. And pray that we both get past this quickly.
And now it's nap time. Get plenty of rest and fluids.
Meryry Christmas!!
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This is my annual post of thanks to the 3 geniuses of the gift wrapping season.
First: My heartfelt thanks to the Fiskars scissor company, for making their line of Razor Edged shears. These things are the greatest, light, and super sharp, and not too expensive. You want several pairs. We have one just for wrapping paper.
Second: To whoever the unsung genius was who put the grid lines on the back of the wrapping paper. You are my hero. Thank you.
Third: To the Sauza tequilla company, because a good margherita helps the wrapping job so much.
Feeling really good this morning, having leftover fried chicken for breakfast.
I looked up some info on this moronic Omicron in NJ and the data is pretty shocking:
12/03/21 First case confirmed in NJ
12/11/21 Second case confirmed in NJ
12/22/21 Omicron is now 93% of all cases in NJ, case rate is exploding, Rt is 1.26 this morning.
Horry Clap.
South Africa reports that their case spike is declining. At least for this wave of it.
Right. Eat somethi the ng and take more vitamins and supplements.
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December 22, 2021
Bowling Blogging!!
So we might have won 5-2 tonight at Old Guys league. Might have, because 3 of the 4 members of our opposing team were out tonight. Isolating after a possible covid exposure. And the league cuts them and the ones who get the virus a lot of slack, meaning they can post-bowl at some point in the future when they can.
I threw a 565 series, using the right hand line the whole night (over the 8 board, down and in). 157 in the first game, then made a hand angle adjustment and rolled a 204 in both games 2 and 3. My corner spares weren't doing so well, I kept throwing to the left for either side. Meh, nothing's ever perfect, right? But 2 200 games in one night? I'm happy.
If I can believe the media, then Omicron is runnung rampant around here, but Delta is still out there. I don't know who to trust anymore after 2 years of flip-floppig and lies. And now she's feeling achy and tired, uh oh, so we hit the vitamis good and hard tonight, including full doses of that godawful tasting nigella sativa oil. We took some elderberry too, and i opened the queretin phytosome and had a double shot of zinc with it. QP absorbs about 20 times more than regular quercetin, making it as strong an ionophore as HCQ. And we'll get back on the nascent iodine and brazil nuts (selenium) in the morning. You cant take everything at once. We han't opened the ivermectin yet, but it's there if we need it. You take that 12 hours apart from the Quercetin.
Lets hope this is just us over reacting.
I may have broken my PC again. Something is wrong with the video. bad cable? Will look into it tomorrow. Posting from my table for now.
NJ runs the most disturbing "public health" ad ever.
TRENTON, NJ – Trenton liberal Democrats have completely lost their minds. First, let's start with the left not even liking Christmas and wanting to cancel the entire deal. But, now since it can be used to push the vaccine agenda of the Murphy administration, the NJ DOH is paying, with taxpayer money to produce and run commercials of a boy with asking Santa for the COVID-19 vaccine instead of games and toys.
"Dear Santa, I don't want games. I don't want toys. Just get me the COVID-19 vaccine," the boy says.
Many New Jerseyeans expressed their shock at the distuercetinuurbing nature of the ad.
lla sativa oil
Gun news! I never do gun stuff anymore, but this one is worth it
The first model out of the gate is a laminate stocked, stainless steel model 1895 SBL (stainless big loop) with a medium length 19" barrel, chambered in the venerable .45-70. This is a hunting rifle, not a pretty pretty gun to look at. Ruger improved the metalurgy, used EDM to cut the chambers, and got the fit and finish to really close tolerances. The result is a handy size rifle that shoots accurately and functions smoothly, with parts that will stand up to the worst weather without complaint.
And the .45-70 will kill anything that walks on this continent, inside of 250 yards. Anything. A tiny bullet for this cartridge is 300 grains, call it 3/4 ounce, which is not much less than a 12 gauge shotgun slug, but at a smaller diameter and at a higher velocity. That's about double the mass of a typical .30 caliber bullet. And that mass gives it momentum, which means it will penetrate nearly forever. Larger bullets for this one run 350 grains, 400 grains, 425 grains, and even upwards of 500 grains for the big single shot buffalo guns, but the big ones never could be used in a Marlin 1895. But you've still got that nearly 46 caliber slug (0.458") working for you. I know this round inside and out. It's where the 458 in Drew458 comes from. I wore out a Browning 1885 Highwall in .45-70 doing heavy load development and putting thousands of rounds downrange. Granted, that kind of thunder isn't going to work in an 1895, but a 350 grain RNFP at 2000fps probably will, which is more than enough for large bears or elk at closer ranges. And I know those loads can be made at .30-30 pressures, which is what an 1895 is designed to run at. Been there, done that, hundreds of times.
The thing is, all that lead mass coming out the front means some nasty recoil in the back. But Ruger managed to make this one weigh in at over 8 1/2 pounds, which is enough mass to eat up a lot of that whack. This is no flyweight rifle. They made the stock a bit thicker too, which let them put a wider recoil pad on, and that eats up the ouch better as well.
By next year Ruger should have a version out with walnut stocks and maybe even a blued steel barrel and receiver, or at least one with a blue/black super tough coating.
Read the , and read a detailed review about it here.
The Marlin 1895 SBL in .45/70 Gov't is the first rifle out of the gates since Marlin was acquired by Ruger, and after using one for the last several weeks and taking it hunting, I am breathing a huge sigh of relief. Ruger has done right by the beloved brand. And not only has Ruger rescued Marlin from the wreckage of the Remington bankruptcy but based on what I've seen so far, it is making the best lever-actions in Marlin's history. Put simply, Ruger has successfully reincarnated Marlin as a modern gun company.
I want one. I don't hunt, and I haven't been to the rifle range in ages. But I want to go. And there's a free range just around the corner from me. Sweet. And having a slick operating accurate thunderstick makes it so much more fun. You can keep your silly 6mm whizzers. I want to make holes in the 100 yard target I can see from the shooting bench. I'd even buy this version, with the laminate stock and the shiny metal, even though I'm a quality walnut and mirror finish bluing kind of rifle guy.
$1400 MSRP for the first production run of 1000, which means that street price will be about $1000 after the first 2 or 3 production runs.
I don't know if Ruger kept the old Micro-Groove rifling, and I don't know (but kind of doubt) that they chambered it with a small throat. The .45-70 is so old (1872) that throats weren't invented yet, and the design spec hasn't changed since. But once upon a time, Ruger did sell their budget #3 rifle in .45-70 with a throated chamber, which let you load longer cartridges. The #3 was a sturdy basic rifle, but in the .45-70 it was a fearsome and evil beast. Heavy rifles need to be wide and heavy, and that one wasn't. Every #1 rifle in .45-70 they later sold has the SAMI spec unthroated chamber. Oh well.
"Food prices are high because grocery stores are price gouging!" Senator Elizabeth Warren, pretend Indian
Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) is blaming grocery stores for the explosion in food prices.
This week, Warren sent a letter to the heads of Kroger, Albertson's, and Publix — a letter she shared "exclusively" with her left-wing allies at NBC News — accusing the grocery chains of price gouging.
"Your company, and the other major grocers who reaped the benefits of a turbulent 2020, appear to be passing costs on to consumers to preserve your pandemic gains and even taking advantage of inflation to add greater burdens," Lieawatha wrote.
"Your companies had a choice: They could have retained lower prices for consumers and properly protected and compensated their workers," she added, "or granted massive payouts to top executives and investors."
"It is disappointing that you chose not to put your customers and workers first."
And I'm certain that she thinks that the empty spots on the shelves are proof of price gouging too. What an idiot, totally disconnected from reality, completely oblivious to economics and the current supply situation.
And Massachusetts keeps electing this moron.
Grocery stores operate on a 2% profit margin, and a large part of their products are loss leaders (the produce department makes no money on any fresh, short shelf life fruits or vegetables, but the displays of veg gets people into the store). The way they make their money is on float, which means they make sales, collect the cash, put it into the bank and then don't pay their bills for 90 days, capturing 3 months of interest. These days a store that churns a million bucks a week isn't that unusual, so even with low interest rates the money adds up.
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December 21, 2021
Clinton did it's annual Santa On A Fire Truck thing tonight. We didn't have one last year, because of But Covid. So they made up for it big time this year. I thought the whole damn village was ablaze, as there were fire trucks going up and down every street in the neighborhood, lights and sirens blaring, horns blowing, on and on. After about 20 minutes of this I went online to see where the fire was, and found a link to their Facebook page. I didn't get to see Santa, as it's bloody cold out and I wasn't about to walk 300 yards out to the main road to watch. But good for them, and if you knew about it in advance, I'm sure it was fun for all the kids.
We've got a pretty good emergency response crew in our town. While the fire department may not be that big - 4 trucks I think including a small offroad brushfire truck, and a little rescue boat on a trailer - the volunteer EMS guys across the street have several big vehicles too, and we have a full size police department for such a small town. And the area's professional EMS group, not sure if they were there. That adds up to lots of sirens and flashing lights!
PS - It says "established 1892" on their badge. If you live here, you know that we got a fire department AFTER the big fire of 1891 that burned down half the town. That fire raged for days, hardly 100 yards from the river, and the surrounding towns sent firefighting equipment here by train.
Since then, we've had 3 firehouses, all of which are still standing. The first one was in the back of the library building, because that was the tallest structure in town, and they could hang the hoses from the roof to dry out. We're on our third library building too, but the decorative iron bits and the old cast iron plaques are still on those buildings as well.
President Joe Biden said Tuesday unvaccinated Americans were not able to celebrate the holidays safely.
"I know some Americans are wondering if you can safely celebrate the holidays with family and friends," Biden said during a speech at the White House. "The answer is, yes you can, if you and those who celebrate with you are vaccinated."
The president addressed the surge of the omicron variant of the virus into the United States and used the opportunity to again promote vaccines.
Biden acknowledged that Americans were afraid of the emergence of the omicron variant of the virus but tried to reassure them that if they were vaccinated they were safe.
"You've done the right thing," he said.
He again urged Americans to get vaccinated and to get a booster shot and get their children five and over vaccinated.
"People with booster shots are highly protected," he said. "Join them. Join us."
"I honest to God think it's your patriotic duty," he added.
He said that vaccinated Americans were "protected from death" and "protected by death" and would only get mild symptoms from the virus.
The president condemned unvaccinated Americans, accusing them of being selfish.
You can catch the video of his angry speech today here.
And to bring up his worst-in-history polling numbers, the genius squad at the White House had him get a new dog. Hopefully this one won't bite quite as many people as the last one.
Posted by Drew458 on 01/16/2022 at 09:56 AM
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Wednesday - August 19, 2020
Gee, Oops
A total non-surprise. We saw this coming back in early March. The richer you were the earlier, faster, and further you ran. Problem is, it's worse than anyone thought at the time.
NYC Ship Sinking, Rats Long Gone
New York City is home to 118 billionaires, more than any other American city. New York City is also home to nearly one million millionaires, more than any other city in the world. Among those millionaires some 8,865 are classified as "high net worth," with more than $30 million each.
They pay the taxes. The top one percent of NYC taxpayers pay nearly 50 percent of all personal income taxes collected in New York. Personal income tax in the New York area accounts for 59 percent of all revenues. Property taxes add in more than a billion dollars a year in revenue, about half of that generated by office space.
The budget for a city as complex as New York is a mess of federal, state, and local funding sources. It can be sliced and diced many ways, but the one that matters is the starkest: the people and companies who pay for New York's poor are leaving even as the city is already facing a $7.4 billion tax revenue hit from the initial effects of the coronavirus. The money is there; New York's wealthiest individuals have increased their net worth by $44.9 billion during the pandemic. It's just not here.
While overall only five percent of residents left as of May, in the city's very wealthiest blocks residential population decreased by 40 percent or more. The higher-earning a neighborhood is, the more likely it is to have emptied out. Even the amount of trash collected in wealthy neighborhoods has dropped, a tell-tale sign no one is home. A real estate agent told me she estimates about a third of the apartments even in my mid-range 300 unit building are empty.
Fewer than one-tenth of Manhattan office workers came back to the workplace a month after New York gave businesses the green light to return to the buildings they ran from in March. Having had several months to notice what not paying Manhattan office rents might do for their bottom line, large companies are leaving.
Posted by Drew458 on 08/19/2020 at 10:52 PM
Filed Under: • Economics • Pandemic Pandemonium •
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The 'Rona Song
Leave it Country music to be perfectly topical and metaphorical at the same time
When the dogwoods start to bloom
And the crickets hum their tune
That's usually about the time
That I feel most alive
But the news has all been bad
And the whole world seems so sad
I ain't had much else going on
So I sat down and wrote this song
I miss my mom, I miss my dad
I miss the road, I miss my band
Giving hugs and shaking hands
It's a mystery I suppose
Just how long this thing goes
But there'll be crowds and there'll be shows
And there will be light after dark
Someday when we aren't six feet apart
Posted by Drew458 on 08/19/2020 at 10:27 PM
Filed Under: • Music • Pandemic Pandemonium •
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Follow Me !
One of the benefits of our universally computer driven modern world is package tracking. Mated with theoretically optimized routes and warehousing, we now can get our deliveries much faster than in decades past. For the impatient, most of the deliver services allow you track your boxes or letters step by step as they wend their way in your direction. [ OTOH, this also allows you to watch the Post Office send your stuff all over the country willy-nilly, leave it at distribution centers for days or weeks at a time, and sometimes take days to move something just 7 miles from one center to the next, and then take a full week to deliver it a whole 42 miles away. Sorry, my pet peeve, after recently pulling my hair out when a letter took more than a month to get delivered. Just wait until the whole country tries to vote by mail this November. Guaranteed disaster. ]
Now UPS has brought out "Follow Me", a real time, self-updating, GPS driven mapping application, that let's you see the big brown truck driving all over with your package in it. Not sure if this is going to help or hurt, because most people won't realize that there are 300 other boxes in that truck, and yours is almost guaranteed to be last in line. It was already a bit frustrating just following the data, watching my box go from Florida to Edison NJ in hardly over a day, but then on to Allentown PA, right past my home, and then have to go on to another truck to come back to NJ days later and to get delivered ... later today? Maybe. "Out for delivery" for 3 days? Oy vey.
Posted by Drew458 on 08/19/2020 at 09:22 AM
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eye candy, high plains edition
I thought I posted this the other day, but it seems to have evaporated. Whatevs.
Anyway, this is actress Kelsey Asbille Chow. She had a small but regular role in the One Tree Hill drama a few years back, and was in the 2017 film Wind River. Currently she has a supporting role on Paramount's cowboy drama / Kevin Costner vehicle Yellowstone.
We watch Yellowstone, it's great, and it's interesting to see her character developing from a whiny liberal into someone more normal. That's going to be long journey. She is super attractive though.
Posted by Drew458 on 08/19/2020 at 09:08 AM
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Monday - August 17, 2020
Flowers For Algernon?
Funny, I kind of thought it was the President's job to keep people aware of new possibilities and to give them even temporary hope. But the Left may be right on this one. Like the blind squirrel ...
Most Americans have been praying for a cure to the Chinese Communist Party virus. Such a prospect turns out to be horrifying, however, if you are a Deep State bureaucrat, someone invested in open-ended and lucrative research into unpromising medicines or vaccines and/or a political opponent of President Trump.
Hence the vehemently hostile response of a leftist publication called Axios to information about Oleandrin, a natural supplement that has proven in clinical experiments and limited human trials in Texas to crush the CCP virus. Rather than celebrate this development and call for an urgent effort to validate such findings with widespread, life-saving trials, Axios touted the uninformed criticisms of naysayers determined to snuff further work on this apparent breakthrough.
To the alarm of some government health officials, President Trump has expressed enthusiasm for the Food and Drug Administration to permit an extract from the oleander plant to be marketed as a dietary supplement or, alternatively, approved as a drug to cure COVID-19, despite lack of proof that it works.
Driving the news: The experimental botanical extract, oleandrin, was promoted to Trump during an Oval Office meeting in July. It's embraced by Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson and MyPillow founder and CEO Mike Lindell, a big Trump backer, who recently took a financial stake in the company that develops the product.
OMG, if Mike Lindell is behind it, you know it's deathly anathema.
Oleandrin is an extract from the oleander plant. Researchers have suggested that it could be useful to treat cancer because of the way it affects cells, and that it could enhance the effects of other cancer therapies.
Professor Sharon Lewin, the director of the Peter Doherty Institute for Infection and Immunity at the University of Melbourne, is an international authority on antiviral drugs and has a laboratory working on COVID-19.
Asked about oleandrin's potential efficacy as a COVID-19 treatment, Lewin told Axios, "Oleandrin looks to have antiviral activity at high doses in a test tube model. You'd certainly want to see more work done on this before even contemplating a human trial."A July 2020 study from the University of Texas at Galveston shows, in a laboratory setting, that oleandrin can inhibit the coronavirus in monkey kidney cells. This study has not been peer reviewed and one of the authors of the study, Robert Newman, is chairman of Phoenix Biotechnology's scientific advisory board — the company developing the oleandrin product.
The bottom line: Scientists around the world are in a race for cures, treatments and vaccines for COVID-19. Government regulators are investigating hundreds of products. When a biotech executive like Whitney can take his case directly to the president, it casts doubt over the scientific rigor of the drug development process.
From the research study:
Using Vero cells, we found that prophylactic oleandrin administration at concentrations down to 0.05 μg/ml exhibited potent antiviral activity against SARS-CoV-2, with an 800 fold reduction in virus production, and a 0.1 μg/ml dose resulted in a greater than 3,000-fold reduction in infectious virus production. The EC50values were 11.98ng/ml when virus output was measured at 24 hours post-infection, and 7.07ng/ml measured at 48 hours post-infection. Therapeutic (post-infection) treatment up to 24 hours after infection of Vero cells also reduced viral titers, with the 0.1 μg/ml dose causing greater than 100-foldreductions as measured at 48 hours, and the 0.05 μg/ml dose resulting in a 3578-fold reduction.The potent prophylactic and therapeutic antiviral activities demonstrated here strongly support the further development of oleandrin to reduce the severity of COVID-19 and potentially also to reduce spread by persons diagnosed early after infection.
In years past the FDA has been dinged for major slow walking and foot dragging when it comes to testing and approving new medicines. Many drugs are available to the rest of the world that are not yet available to us. With this pandemic that slowness has become an issue, but I don't think the best idea is to throw caution to the wind and let anything fly. That way leads to snake oil. There has to be some level of significant proper, fair, testing.
OTOH, the Axios article does mention how this could easily be marketed as an herbal supplement, which could NOT focus on any curative ability. To which there's an easy work around; "We're NOT ALLOWED to mention that this cures Covid, and thus cannot recommend a dose of 2 pills a day for 2 weeks. This product is for dietary supplemental use only, and we bear no responsibility for it's use in any other manner." kind of advertising.
OTTH, shouldn't President Trump know by now when to keep his fat mouth shut?
Oleandir is poisonous !!! !! !
Consumption of even one Nerium oleander leaf can be fatal. Onset of toxicity occurs several hours following consumption. Symptoms include vomiting, abdominal pain, cyanosis, hypotension, hypothermia, vertigo, respiratory paralysis and death.
However, a carefully controlled tea made from the flowers could be an effective cancer and AIDS treatment. But more trials are needed!!
A hot water extract of the plant, known as Anvirzel™, has been developed as a potential treatment for cancer, AIDS, and congestive heart failure. It consists of a mixture of oleandrin and the glycone oleandrigenin. Experiments suggest that a combination of Anvirzel and cisplatin may be more effective than cisplatin monotherapy . In an earlier study, Anvirzel appeared safe in humans when injected intramuscularly, although adverse effects such as injection site pain, fatigue, and other GI symptoms were reported.
Anvirzel™ is not an approved cancer treatment in the United States. Until more data regarding its efficacy and toxicity are available, this product should not be used outside of clinical trials.
Anvirzel may be a modern version of a medicinal extract of oleander that goes back to the dawn of history.
Historical records prove that Oleander plant has healing powers; thus it was highly regarded by the Mesopotamians in the 15th century B.C. During the age of the Babylonians up to the Romans it was used as a relieved for hangovers. To the Arabs it has better worth since the plant was used for cancer medication in the 8th century A.D.
OTOH, the Romans also used it to commit suicide.
I looked up the entry at Wiki ... and I think I'll pass on this one. There may be too much risk in a cure made from just a little bit of deadly poison.
Posted by Drew458 on 08/17/2020 at 01:06 PM
Filed Under: • pandemic and epidemic diseases •
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The Death Of NYC?
This is what happens when you elect a communist as mayor. One who encourages rioting and lawlessness. Riots after weeks of extended lockdown. Retail is dying. Populations are fleeing. Violence is everywhere, at unprecedented levels. It's anarchy and depression.
De Blasio's New York has finally hit an all-time low: the once bustling city is now on the verge of looking like a demilitarized zone. Between the pandemic and the riots in the city, iconic 5th Avenue now looks more like a dystopian nightmare in a recently shot video posted to Twitter.
The video follows a car driving down a deserted 5th Avenue, with almost all of the area's high end stores boarded up and shut down. There are few people seen on what is usually a busy street.
"Look at everything. Everything's boarded up. Even the hotel. Boarded up," the video's narrator, who is obviously fed up with how the city looks, says.
He continues: "This is all Manhattan, boarded up. Have you ever seen Manhattan look like this? The media will not report this."
"Everything boarded up. They don't want to show this to you people because they're afraid. Saks 5th Avenue - boarded up from end to end. They put up barbed wire. Everywhere you see boards, windows are gone. Look at New York City - what happened," he says.
The video runs over 2 minutes and shows dozens of boarded up businesses.
Check the video. Manhattan is boarded up. Block after block of high-end retail closed down and barricaded.
This isn't exactly new. Similar video from more than a month ago.
No, it's not a war zone — it's Manhattan.
Video shows once-bustling Big Apple streets nearly deserted and dotted with boarded-up, spray-painted and bashed-in buildings after days of looting.
The footage taken Tuesday and Wednesday in Midtown and Soho shows the windows of popular stores shattered while others — such as Burberry, Sephora and Sunglasses Hut — are covered in plywood to protect against looters.
Only a handful of masked pedestrians and police officers are seen walking on eerily empty sidewalks. Some plywood panels put up by shops were tagged with graffiti reading, "Justice for George Floyd" — the black man who died after a white Minneapolis police officer pinned him to the ground for nearly nine minutes.
Due to the coronavirus pandemic, many Big Apple retailers have been closed for months prior to protests over Floyd's death.
These riots happened at the end of May ...
Sidewalks across the SoHo neighborhood, Union Square and Fifth Avenue were covered in broken glass. Multiple police cars had been burnt to nothing but ashes. Stores, including a Duane Reade, Urban Outfitters and Swatch, were looted. Banks were ravaged. An Equinox gym had been broken in to. Graffiti covered retailers' logos up and down some of the glitziest shopping districts, which normally would be hosting a hotbed of tourist activity this time of year.
The New York Police Department has since said it arrested almost 350 people Saturday evening, following protests across parts of Harlem, Brooklyn and Staten Island. NYPD Commissioner Dermot Shea said in a press conference held Sunday that more than 30 officers suffered minor injuries due to clashes with demonstrators.
It's now the middle of August. More than 11 weeks later. And these businesses are still closed, still boarded up. Whatever stock that wasn't looted has been sold online.
Do you really think these storefronts are coming back? Even if the beneficent dictator of NYC allows them to open, with 25% customer capacity and ridiculously paranoid levels of isolation and plexiglass protection inside the stores? Somehow, I kind of doubt it.
Greatest city in the world, killed by policy in half a year. This was not an accident.
Very Funny Officer
So I got another ticket yesterday. Me and my red car manage to get pulled over a couple times a year. Yes, I'm an inveterate speeder, but I do it properly. I don't tailgate, I don't cut people off, I use my turn signals, I almost pass anyone on the right, and of course my car is in perfect working order and my papers are current. And I don't go flying around corners on two wheels, or anything close to reckless driving. I'm just an impatient driver, like everyone else in the state.
In NJ, everyone speeds. Everyone. Nearly everywhere. The only place we make up for it is in those 25mph zones near schools, parks, and downtown. People generally do about 17 in those.
NJ has a scheme in place on the highways. They "let" you drive 65mph, but fines are doubled. Should there be a traffic cone by the side of the road, or a permanent sign saying that bit of highway is also a construction zone, fines are doubled again. So getting a speeding ticket on the highway can be a darn costly experience.
Generally, highway traffic moves at 75mph in good conditions, even in the slow lane, but on the weekends it flies. 85 is typical, 95 is not unheard of, with cars maybe two lengths apart traveling in packs.
And NJ keeps points for 5 years, with a big long list of how many points for whichever of the 65 or so moving violations they have. Get more than 6 in a 3 year period, and get an extra fine to pay. There are a fair number of 0 point offenses, but they are not on the list. Good luck trying to find them, although we all know that the seatbelt one and the red light camera one are no-pointers.
How many points are on your license? Like many other states, you have to pay the DMV to find this out. Gosh, wouldn't you think that this would be part of their regular job? Available online for free, given that this is a microscopic database inquiry? Heck no.
But there's a game involved. There are a good number of offenses that don't have points. Just a fine. So most cops short circuit the plea bargaining process, and give you a break and just write you up for some 0 point offense. It puts donut money in their coffers, nobody wastes time going to court, an you just go online and pay the fine with your credit card.
So I got pulled over for doing 85 in a 65 zone on a demarcated highway. I wasn't racing, or playing artful dodger, or zooming down the road alone. I was just cruising along with traffic. The Statey did his job in about 2 minutes and I was back on my way.
He wrote me up for the 0 point offense of Delaying Traffic.
Haha, very funny.
Posted by Drew458 on 08/17/2020 at 08:23 AM
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Saturday - August 15, 2020
Rhubarb !!!
She came home from work with an armload of rhubarb that a coworker had brought in from their garden.
I haven't had rhubarb in ... probably 45 years. Pretty sure my parents used to grow it in the vegetable garden, but that's loooong ago in the past.
So we're making strawberry rhubarb pie, and, since we have so much of the stuff, we're making a strawberry rhubarb crumble as well. Both are a great excuse to get hold of some good vanilla ice cream.
Rhubarb has an unusual taste, but it's one that I've always loved. Can't wait to get to baking things up and trying them out. Might even have enough to send her to work Monday with another crumble.
Oh goody, and I guess I'd better go look outside. Amazon says my copy of Law of Nations and John Locke's Two Treaties of Government were delivered today. Along with my new Solo 2L hand sprayer, as the old one died after a decade of use.
Posted by Drew458 on 08/15/2020 at 05:41 PM
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Fauci Gets One Right
Fauci: Voting In Person OK If Social Distancing Done
Dr. Anthony Fauci, chief medical adviser for the White House coronavirus task force, said this week that there is "no reason" Americans are not able to vote in person for the 2020 presidential election in November.
Fauci emphasized that voting in person would not need to be avoided as long as voters followed CDC guidelines and maintained social distancing.
"I think if carefully done, according to the guidelines, there's no reason that I can see why that not be the case," Fauci told ABC News. "If you go and wear a mask, if you observe the physical distancing, and don't have a crowded situation, there's no reason why shouldn't be able to do that."
Fauci noted, however, that those who are at high-risk if exposed to coronavirus or have a compromised immune system should stay indoors and use mail-in voting.
OK, 99% right. I think most absentee ballots should be dropped off well ahead of time at the polling centers, logged in, and signed for ... once proper ID and voter registration is checked. The USPS is highly leftist, so I would not trust them too much.
Posted by Drew458 on 08/15/2020 at 01:04 PM
Filed Under: • FREEDOM • Government •
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Friday - August 14, 2020
toldja so
As reliable as the coming dawn, the willfully stupid and the left biased media and "the experts" have once again yelled real loud to subvert the proper understanding of the law. And that noise will do the job.
I said it yesterday: This application of the Constitution will be ignored and denied by the media and everyone else. Because "birthers". People are so terrified of being called a name that they are willing to ignore the law, the history of the law, and the true meaning and intent of the law. That's beyond sad. It's beyond cowardly. It's apathetic, pathetic, and bathetic.
And here it is.
Trump slammed for not rejecting conspiracy theory Kamala Harris is ineligible for vice presidency
Biden campaign calls Trump comments 'abhorrent'
That's right; it's a conspiracy theory. And he's abhorrent. Because he referred to a statement made by somebody about the natural born issue, and then said he didn't know if that was correct or not. So slam him for even implying that this could be a problem.
And then the lies come out by the bucketful. And the overwhelming noise of indignation and implicit raycis drown out the truth, once again. We are totally fucking doomed.
President Trump would not reject a conspiracy theory Thursday that Kamala Harris is ineligible to serve as vice president because her parents were born outside the United States.
Asked about the unfounded and widely refuted claims during a press briefing at the White House, Trump responded, "I heard it today that she doesn't meet the requirements" before adding, "I have no idea if that's right."
Harris is a United States citizen born in California in 1964, making her eligible to serve as president or vice president under the Constitution. [ Fox you are wrong ]
However, a professor of law at Chapman University, John C. Eastman, wrote a piece for Newsweek this week after she was named to the Democratic ticket questioning whether Harris is a "natural born citizen" because her mother was born in India and her father was born in Jamaica.
[ Editor's note: Some readers reacted strongly to this essay, seeing it as an attempt to ignite a racist conspiracy theory. ]
The fact that Senator Kamala Harris has just been named the vice presidential running mate for presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden has some questioning her eligibility for the position. The 12th Amendment provides that "no person constitutionally ineligible to the office of President shall be eligible to that of Vice-President of the United States." And Article II of the Constitution specifies that "[n]o person except a natural born citizen...shall be eligible to the office of President." Her father was (and is) a Jamaican national, her mother was from India, and neither was a naturalized U.S. citizen at the time of Harris' birth in 1964. That, according to these commentators, makes her not a "natural born citizen"—and therefore ineligible for the office of the president and, hence, ineligible for the office of the vice president.
Newsweek also ran a counter essay by noted lawyer Eugene Volokh. IMO, as its typical for greasy lawyers, and all lawyers are greasy because the law is merely a tool to them, and not something held sacrosanct, Volokh makes his counter from the wrong direction. He's throwing shade and puffing smoke, and emphasizing aspects that have no real bearing. Argument by non sequitur.
Some people have argued that Kamala Harris is ineligible to be vice president of the United States. The Constitution requires presidents and vice presidents to be "natural-born citizens"; Harris was born in the U.S., but her parents (who had come to the U.S. to study) weren't U.S. citizens at the time. Does "natural-born citizen" include Harris, and others like her?
It does. "Natural-born citizen" was a familiar legal phrase to the Framers—an adaptation of the English term "natural-born subject." Sir William Blackstone, an English treatise writer who (in Justice Scalia's words) was "the Framers' accepted authority on English law and the English Constitution," explained:
Natural-born subjects are such as are born within the dominions of the crown of England, that is, within the ligeance, or as it is generally called, the allegiance of the king. ...The children of aliens, born here in England, are, generally speaking, natural-born subjects, and entitled to all the privileges of such.
It's possible that "natural-born citizen" has since been broadened to include children of U.S. citizens born overseas (a 1790 Act of Congress specified that, "The children of citizens of the United States, that may be born beyond sea, or out of the limits of the United States, shall be considered as natural-born citizens").
He is wrong. It is not an adaptation of natural born subject, even though natural born citizen shares two of the three words with the other concept. Oh, and that 1790 Act was overturned in 1795, which he fails to mention. Even the best lawyer is a weasel dick. They argue for or against a topic. Searching for and declaring the actual truth has nothing to do with it.
What is a natural born citizen? It is someone born in this country whose parents are already citizens of this country. Period. Full stop. And that's all there is to it.
I am a natural born citizen because I was born in this country and both my parents were born here as well, and their parents were citizens when they were born which thus made them natural born citizens. All my grandparents were born here too, although one of them might not have qualified as natural born because her parents came here from Germany, and I have no idea who things worked in the 1890s and I don't know if they were naturalized citizens by the time granny popped out. But that was generations ago, so it isn't germane.
It seems we go through this every presidential election cycle. I think what is needed is a SCOTUS decision. And that will never happen, because an honest decision, true to original intent would also torpedo the anchor baby concept that's been around for 4 decades now. And probably squash the legality of dual citizenship too. And we do not have brave, honest, true Americans on the Supreme Court who are willing or able to make bold, proper decisions. Without the slightest doubt in my mind, this should be a 5 minute, 9-0 decision, made for clarification purposes alone - not delayed forever until some case with standing worms it's way upwards.
I'm going to add this to my list of life truths:
• Sulfur is properly spelled sulphur.
• Eohippus is the Dawn Horse. No other taxonomy name is correct. There is no relation to the rock hyrax, so putting the original horse in the order Hyracotherium was a mistake.
• The big long dinosaur was a brontosaurus
• A shark is not a fish, dammit, it is an elasmobranch. Real fish have scales, gill pumps, and a swim bladder. Creating a new intermediate order called "bony fishes" to include both is cheating, especially if you don't also include dolphins who, by that redefinition should also be fish. Fish who are mammals. No, this is wrong.
• Ok, I now grudgingly nearly accept that Pluto is not an actual planet, "merely" a dwarf planet or planetoid, because somebody either moved the definition goalposts or because science has advanced enough to go there and find out how big the thing actually is. Pluto 1473 miles across, 2/3 the size of our moon. Mercury still counts as a planet. Mercury is 1516 miles across, a whopping big 43 miles larger. Oh puh-lease. So my grudgingly is very grudgingly. OTOH, given that Pluto has 5 moons, one moon called Chiron which is half the size of Pluto, perhaps it should be called a double planet or a multi-planet.
• A natural born citizen is someone who is born within the desmenses of a country and both of whose parents are already citizens of that country.
I got so worked up about this yesterday I went out an bought a copy of Law of Nations, and while I was at the digital bookstore I got a copy of the writings of John Locke.
Posted by Drew458 on 08/14/2020 at 10:43 AM
Filed Under: • Democrats-Liberals-Moonbat Leftists • Stoopid-People •
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Thursday - August 13, 2020
Of course she isn't, but you're uninformed and intellectually lazy so she'll get away with it
Here we should be going again with the natural born citizen thing. And just like Obama, Kamala Harris does not qualify as such. Not that most anyone else can understand the concept, or knows that it is very important to care about this and why. So should be going won't even get off the ground. This will not even be brought up in passing, much less discussed, debated, and ruled on. It. Does. Not. Exist. Because ... raycis!!!
"All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside."
14th Amendment, Section 1, 1868
It is abundantly clear that "subject to the jurisdiction thereof" means exclusively subject to the jurisdiction thereof, which means not in any way beholden to the whims or powers of a foreign government. This was clearly understood by all until fairly recently.
Yes, she was born in the USA. Neither of her parents were citizens at the time. This makes her an anchor baby. According the the 14th Amendment, anchor babies are not citizens. This isn't a "strict" reading of the amendment, it is a plain reading thereof. Original intent is easy to find in the Congressional Record of the day. The only "reason" that they are considered such these days is due to a single footnote in the 5-4 1982 SCOTUS decision Plyer v. Doe, added to the majority opinion by Justice Brennan:
"no plausible distinction with respect to Fourteenth Amendment 'jurisdiction' can be drawn between resident aliens whose entry into the United States was lawful, and resident aliens whose entry was unlawful."
This weakening of the meaning of jurisdiction within the 14th - that it sees the term as meaning subject to the laws of this nation, and not solely subject to those laws (ie not being also subject to the laws of some other country, as is the legal situation of illegal immigrants) - was a part of the Plyer case, which dealt with Texas's claim that school funding should not be granted to illegal immigrant children. And of course, Brennan's footnote comment overlooks that such illegals have no right to be here at all.
Harris' parents were a citizen of India and a citizen of Jamaica. While she herself was born in California, and shortly thereafter went to Canada, where she spent nearly all her formative years, she qualifies as a citizen by the anchor baby misconception. Being a citizen does not make you a natural born citizen.
The entire concept of natural born citizen comes from a French book called The Laws of Nations, which was written in 1758 and is the only book or exterior document referenced in the US Constitution. It was used extensively by the Framers, far more than the code of English Common Law, which they strongly felt did not apply to the USA, although they borrowed large parts of it ... as our own law. Anyway, in The Laws of Nations it says:
"Les naturels, ou indigenes, sont ceux qui sont nes dans le pays, de parens citoyens"
A direct translation is "The natural, or indigenous, are those who are born in the country, of parents who are citizens".
While there was an 1797 update to the english version of the book, which clarified that line to read "The natives, or natural-born citizens, are those born in the country, of parents who are citizens."
This is a rather strict definition. To be a natural born citizen, you need to be born here and both your parents need to be citizens when you are born. Not just born here, and not with just one parent a citizen, regardless of where you were born.
Later extensions to the concept allowed "here" to include territories of the country (eg Guam and Puerto Rico), areas controlled by the country (eg military bases), land considered part of the country that was in other countries (eg consulates and embassies), and things controlled by the government of the country (eg military aircraft and ships that happen to be outside the confines of the country at the moment of birth). This is how John McCain, born at a military base in another country, was deemed a valid candidate.
[ "naturels" is the masculine form of the word, "naturelles" is the feminine form. French is so sexist, but both words mean the same thing. ]
Merely being born to two citizen parents is insufficient. Merely being born within our country is insufficient. This is a precise and sharply focused concept, and about the only time it every applies is when someone is considering running for President or Vice President, although it should probably apply to any elected representative who could possibly be in the chain of succession.
This application of the Constitution will be ignored and denied by the media and everyone else. Because "birthers". People are so terrified of being called a name that they are willing to ignore the law, the history of the law, and the true meaning and intent of the law. That's beyond sad. It's beyond cowardly. It's apathetic, pathetic, and bathetic.
Read more if you want, in great detail with clear explanations of case law over the years, plus how we've now been lead astray, when and by whom:
Posted by Drew458 on 08/13/2020 at 11:25 AM
Filed Under: • Democrats-Liberals-Moonbat Leftists •
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Wednesday - August 12, 2020
Walter White Moved To Holland?
Dutch police have uncovered what they described as the biggest cocaine laboratory ever discovered in the Netherlands, leading to the arrest of 17 suspects from Colombia, Turkey and the Netherlands.
The drug lab was hidden at a former horse riding school in Nijeveen, some 75 miles from Amsterdam, police said in a statement Tuesday.
Police raided the riding school on Friday, discovering tens of thousands of liters of chemicals and 220 pounds of crack cocaine. Sleeping quarters and recreation areas were also found at the site.
The facility was equipped to produce up to 440 pounds of cocaine a day, officials said.The facility was equipped to produce up to 440 pounds of cocaine a day, officials said. (Politie Landelijke Eenheid)
"This is the largest cocaine laboratory ever found in the Netherlands," police chief Andre van Rijn said in the statement.
Van Rijn said the lab was equipped to produce 330-440 pounds (150-200 kilograms) of cocaine a day, with a street value of $5.3-9.4 million (4.5-8 million euros).
Posted by Drew458 on 08/12/2020 at 11:29 AM
Filed Under: • Crime •
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TLH? Typical Leftist Hypocrites
This sounds like it could be one of those urban legends.
How Dare You!!
An anonymous poster on Reddit's "Am I the A--h---" subreddit said he started a meat-eating club at his job in response to a coworker's vegan-only club.
He claimed that one of his colleagues started a vegan dinner club exclusively for their coworkers following a vegan, vegetarian or pescatarian diet. Other coworkers "will not be able to join the club," the poster said the group's "statement of purpose" read.
In response, the poster claimed that he and some other meat-eating coworkers started a burger and steak club to go out and try new restaurants each week. They only allowed meat-eaters to join. However, members of the vegan club filed a complaint with the company's human resources department.
Posted by Drew458 on 08/12/2020 at 11:20 AM
Filed Under: • Daily Life • Food •
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How Early Do Ppl Do a Baby Shower
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